In case you missed it, in November we made a noise about our Pressure Music Catalogue. Easy clearable music right at your fingertips for those times when you’re under pressure. It’s the next best thing to original music.
Learn more here.

Our aim is to Elevate Your Art. It’s what we do. We will bring your brave ideas to life, whatever it takes.
But we know that sometimes you’ll have projects where there is extra pressure. Whether that means tight deadlines or tighter budgets. We want to be able to elevate your art no matter what. So we’ve created Pressure Music Catalogue. This allows us to elevate your art under pressure.
We like to do things differently, so we’ve approached Pressure Music Catalogue differently too. We’ve focused on quality not quantity and have carefully collated and curated a selection of premium tracks, composed by our own team for real briefs by real creatives and packaged them into one easy-to-use resource on DISCO.
Pressure Music Catalogue embodies the culmination of our creative journey at Pressure Cooker Studios over the past 13 years.
Unlike traditional music libraries, our ever growing catalogue comprises music born from real briefs, for real projects, with real creatives, involved at every stage of the creative process
Now we’re asking you to tell us what you want to hear more of so we can build our catalogue to include music that is right for you.